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The list of risks threatening investors is unusually long.

  • Stocks are at the edge of a bear market. Inflation last raged so high in 1981.
  • The pandemic lingers as does the risk of bad subvariants.
  • Supply chain problems remain a drag on consumer spending.
  • Oil prices could spike higher still, as Russia’s pariah  status compels Germany to impose a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas.

This is a great moment to ask yourself: “What’s my plan?”

If you already have a financial plan, are you comfortable with it? Do you see how your plan will make sense in a decade or two? If you are comfortable with your long-term plan, congratulations! That’s great!

However, if the volatility makes you think your plan for retirement or achieving other goals no longer works, then it’s time to act. Reassessing a plan is fine.

And if you have no plan at all for achieving your long-term goals, then you are sabotaging your financial success and that’s not good.  We’re here to help.